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Introducing Her Campus BU’s New Advice Column, “Sundays with Margo”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Hi! I’m Margo and I am a new writer for Her Campus BU. I am originally from Nashville, TN and I’m a freshman in COM as a Journalism major! In my spare time, I love to bake, watch a lot of television, read, and spend time with my super cute BU buds!

Me and one of my favorite furry friends, Angel Cake.

When I sat down in our pitch meeting a couple weeks ago, to be honest, I came with what practically felt like no ideas. I had been going through a super busy week with tons of reading from my gender studies course, my English course, and just so much more, which I’m sure as a fellow BU student you can understand. As each of my fellow writers came up with incredible pitches (stay tuned for!), I started quickly wrangling around my brain to see what else I felt that Her Campus needed aside from the other pitches. And then it clicked, after writing my first article, an advice article, I discovered that since Her Campus is a place where all of us can come together and educate one another, have fun, and relax. With that, I was next in line to present my idea, a weekly advice column! For me, this made a lot of sense. I’ve always tended to be the “mom” of my friends, the one that my friends come to when there’s a problem or they’ve needed an extra opinion. I promise that I will give advice like a sister or best friend, that has your best interest in mind!

I am super excited to be announcing that every Sunday, I will be answering your submitted questions and elaborating on them into a full-fledged article. All submissions that come into Her Campus BU will be featured anonymously so that you have the privacy, respect, and advice that you so desire!

You can submit your questions to hercampusbuadvice@gmail.com! If your question has been selected to be answered, you will receive an email from this address saying to look out for the following Sunday’s post.

I can’t wait for you all to be a part of “Sundays with Margo”! Please be sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter so that you can also DM me your questions!

Margo Ghertner is the Editor-in-Chief for Her Campus Boston University. When the Nashville-native isn't writing and helping the other HCBU teams execute their projects, you can find her listening to business podcasts, baking, reading, and spending time with her friends.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.