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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Seasonal depression can leave students feeling uninspired and socially withdrawn. Less sunlight during the fall and winter contribute to these symptoms. This is more than just the winter blues. You aren’t alone! The best way to find your way out of this slump of course is to seek professional help. Psychology Today is a useful website to search for therapists in your area and that takes your insurance. Besides this, another method is to try and promote a healthy change in your daily schedule. Becoming a morning person is something that I’ve found useful to regain a sense of inspiration. 

Here are some benefits to get you inspired.

 If you’re anything like me, breakfast food is the best meal of the day. Instead of grabbing a protein bar and running out the door, you now have the time to try out a new breakfast recipe. Waking up early means time to make yourself a nutritionally dense breakfast and accomplish your health goals. 

Something so beautiful about early mornings is the environment of peace and quiet. Less interruptions gives you the opportunity to focus on a task or work. Use this time to knock a few things off your checklist or even to get started on tasks. You don’t have to complete everything in one sitting, but focus on trying to relieve the stress of work that usually weighs heavier as the day goes on. Allowing yourself to mentally focus on something early will leave you feeling more prepared for a day of work or school. There’s also a sense of accomplishment that comes along with this. It feels good to check tasks and assignments off of your checklist. This helps to promote a positive mindset for the rest of your day. 

By having more time in the morning to get a jumpstart on work, you now have the opportunity to rest later. This rest doesn’t have to be physical, although naps are wonderful, you can take time for some mental rest. Calling a friend, journaling, going to grab coffee at a new cafe are all great ways to get some separation from a busy day. You deserve self care everyday! 



Laying in bed scrolling on social media wastes more time than we think. Give yourself an incentive to get up. Buy a new coffee blend, have a new recipe on hand or a new skincare product to use; preferably something with SPF! Personally, I listen to a news podcast and go outside for a walk or start working on a task. My go-to is NPR Politics

Plan ahead

Having a night routine is especially important when waking up early. Try to alleviate some of your morning tasks like planning an outfit, cleaning up your space or meal planning by getting some of it done the night before! If you’re tired and low on time, set a timer for 5 minutes and clean up your space or do another quick task. It’ll make waking up early much more enjoyable. 


Consistency is also vital. Plan for 7-8 hours of sleep each night. If you have difficulty sleeping try meditation, ditching caffeine for a cup of herbal tea, or try melatonin supplements to help promote sleep. 

get some sunshine

Leave your curtains open a bit to allow the sunlight to wake you up and implement a morning routine. A morning routine is equally important as a night routine. It gives your morning a sense of predictability instead of running around with the anxiety of running late. Routines are hard to follow so it’s vital to not plan out every move you make, but having some key things to do is essential. Set time aside to journal or stretch. Start implementing these things one at a time, there’s no need to rush. 

go for it!

Take it slow. There’s no need to jump right into waking up at 6am every morning. In fact, it’s not healthy to do so. Start by waking up 15 minutes earlier than your usual time and continue increasing the time until you’re able to find one that works for you. Having a consistent time to wake up in the morning makes your days feel more predictable. 

Remember who and why you’re doing it. For yourself!

To be more mentally, physically or intellectually productive. 

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Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.