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Anna Schultz-Girl Using Laptop In Cozy Bed
Anna Schultz-Girl Using Laptop In Cozy Bed
Anna Schultz / Her Campus

How to Start the Semester Off on the Right Foot

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Surprise! It’s second semester… already.

Well, if you’re like me then the start to this semester was probably a little rough. I am now determined to start February on the right foot. For me, I have a few essential tips to not only start the semester off right but also keep it that way for the remainder of the semester.

First off, the most important thing, in my opinion, is a calendar. I carry around my calendar in my bookbag practically everywhere I go. This can be super fun too; you can pick out a cute design or something that suits your personality. This little book keeps track of my schedule for the next four months and holds me more responsible to my tasks because I feel like if something is written down then I have to do it. 

Since I’ve been back at school, I’ve been trying to go to FitRec as often as possible and I really feel like it has been helping with my sleep and energy level. And to go with this is to try to eat as healthy as possible. I’m sure that everyone struggles with that given the food that is in the dining hall, and personally, I have a huge sweet tooth, but eating better has definitely put me in a better headspace.

This one is kind of obvious but getting into a good sleep schedule is something that is vital, especially at the beginning of the semester with a new class schedule.

Last but definitely not least is just to make yourself feel good about yourself. Whether that is wearing a cute outfit, putting on a little makeup, or even just spending time with your friends. Being happy and in a good headspace is necessary for you, and that is who is most important here!

I hope that these tips keep you accountable and help you start your semester off on the right foot, just as much as they helped me.

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Emma is a junior at Boston University majoring in English and minoring in Women and Gender Studies, in the College of Arts and Sciences. When not in class you can find the New York native writing/reading with a chai in hand.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.