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A Green Girl in a Material World

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

  “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” is the mantra we hear over and over again, reminding us to care about the environment. With classes, work, friends, and relationships, who really has the time to be eco-conscious? I realize this is an all too common dilemma. Even I (self proclaimed eco goddess) give into laziness and think, “screw the environment.”
  But really it only takes a couple adjustments to do some good for the planet. These tips are especially great for girls living on a budget or in an apartment since reducing your electricity and water use saves money.  The easiest and quickest things to do are:

  • Turn off the lights before leaving a room
  • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth
  • Take shorter showers
  • Open the window instead of turning on a fan
  • Unplug any wires or cords that you aren’t using
  • Open the blinds rather than turning on the lights
  • Walk to class
  • Use renewable coffee mugs and water bottles
  • Use reusable shopping bags and save waste by not using plastic
  • Buy organic food and hygiene products
  • Read articles off the computer rather then print them out
  • Obviously recycle plastic, paper, ink cartridges, and batteries

  Even fashionistas can merge style with conservation. Companies like Toms, Patagonia, etc make finding organic clothing and shoes easy. Being environmentally friendly does come at a higher price, but it’s definitely worth it.
  For the overachievers of the world, there are so many more steps that can be taken to live a greener lifestyle. Get involved with organizations on campus like BU Energy Club, BU Bikes, BU Environmental Law Society, BU Outing Club, and many more. Take an environmental science class to learn more about climate change and how the world works. It’s actually really interesting. Do some community service like the Annual Charles River Cleanup or participate in next year’s World Ocean Day. You can make a big difference while sparing only a little of your time. If you don’t have the time or the motivation, go to www.petitionsite.com and make a difference just by signing petitions that advocate clean energy, saving animal habitats, and about anything you can think of.
To find out more about being an environmental geek like me, check out these websites:

featured below: Catherine Simon with fellow volunteers at the harbor last fall semester, devoting extra time on a Saturday morning to pick up trash.

Lindsey Reese is a sophomore at Boston University majoring in Print Journalism with a minor in International Relations. Hailing from down south in Waco, Texas, Lindsey decided to take the first opportunity to experience the city life in Boston. She developed a love for other cultures and saw Boston as the perfect playground for discovering new people and backgrounds. Lindsey enjoys marketing in the Public Relations Student Society of America, working for BUTV, and being a member of Alpha Epsilon Phi. Homework and clubs don't stop her from enjoying an occasional Friends marathon or going out for fro-yo with her roommates. The future holds many promises, but Lindsey has her sights on a specific dream: writing for Vogue or InStyle. Graduation might be years away, but Lindsey is ready to hit the pavement next semester looking for internships at local magazines.