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The Best Places to Watch the Marathon

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


The greatest event that happens every year on this beautiful Monday is finally here! Marathon Monday is a day of joy, celebration, and excitement. Hopefully by now you’ve picked out a place to watch the runners do the impossible. But if not, here is a guide so you can have a great time tomorrow!

Heartbreak Hill – not actually called that…Heartbreak hill is where the marathon finally starts getting really difficult. If you want to see the runners go through what is probably the hardest mile they’ve ever had to run, Mile 20-21 is heartbreak hill. Located on Commonwealth, this mile is actually in Newton. It’s not very crowded because it’s far from campus, but it is very inspiring to watch!

Boston College – Though our rival school, BC does have a good spot to watch the marathon. It’s also not very crowded there, so you can actually see each contestant run by!

Coolidge Corner: Located in South, this has to be one of the most energetic places to be during the Marathon aside from the actual finish line. Personally, it’s my favorite because it’s where I watched it last year! It’s fun, lively, and very crowded! It may be hard to see the runners if you don’t get there early, but all the excitement from everyone else gets you excited anyway!

Kenmore: Kenmore is probably just as crowded as the finish line, especially when the Red Sox game gets out. But, it is close to shops if you want to buy water or food mid-day!

Boylston: We’re nearing towards the finish here, which means the crowd gets bigger. Here, it is extremely difficult to actually see the runners, but again, there is so much excitement coming from the crowd that you get wrapped up in it anyway! Located close to East Campus, Boylston is a must if you love watching the last mile!

Copley Square: If you didn’t know, Copley is where the marathon ends! It’s massively crowded! So many people like to see people cross the finish line! It’s super exciting here, and very inspiring as well!

There you have it! These spots are all near BU’s campus and a great place to spend Marathon Monday! Before you head out, make sure to bring sunscreen, water, and some cash! Also, wear some comfortable shoes because it’s always fun to walk down towards the finish line, and, depending where you started, that could be a 5-mile walk!








Jomarie "Jo" Polanco is a sophomore at Boston University studying Nutritional Sciences in Sargent College. She loves everything about health and nutrition and sees herself helping to stop the obesity epidemic in her future. To read more from Jo, you can follow her personal health and nutrition blog at www.breathelivefit.blogspot.com!
Elyssa is a "New Yourker" who has somehow ended up in Boston. She is currently studying journalism at Boston University and is excited to be the Campus Correspondent for the BU branch of Her Campus! She also enjoys theatre, frozen yogurt, and obsessively watching "Dancing with the Stars." When not doing any of above, she can be found quoting "Pirates of the Caribbean."