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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

From Pulitzer Prize winners to lesser known mysteries, this list has something for everyone! 

“Normal People”

Recently adapted into a Hulu series that was nominated for four Emmys, the book Normal People by Sally Rooney was an emotional read that was truly worth it. It follows the story of Connell and Marianne, who grow up and secretly fall in love in their small Irish town, despite their class and social status differences. They then drift apart when they go to college, but find themselves studying at the same university and having completely different friend groups. It’s definitely not a happy or uplifting read, but the characters and the relationships feel so real that by the end you feel attached to them. The characters were also vividly brought to life by the TV series, so if you do read this book, be sure to check out the show afterwards.

“We Were Liars”

A fairly quick and easy read, this mystery by E. Lockhart will leave you shocked by the twist at the end. After Cadence loses her memory due to an injury one summer on her family’s island, she attempts to trace back her steps in order to figure out what truly happened to her. I’d recommend not looking anything up about this book before reading it, so that you can avoid spoilers –– going in blind is the best advice I can give!

“The Goldfinch”

This book by Donna Tartt is a Pulitzer Prize Winner, and, despite its length, it is a really enjoyable adventure to read. It follows protagonist Theo Decker throughout his life, starting from when he was 13 years old and his mother died in an explosion at an art museum. There, he steals the painting titled “The Goldfinch,” attempting to keep it hidden for the rest of his life. Along the way, he meets an interesting cast of characters, and the whole time the reader is kept in suspense about what will happen to him and the painting in the end.

“The Outsider”

Another lengthy read, this book by Stephen King is a horror mystery that will be sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. After an eleven-year-old boy’s corpse is discovered under horrific circumstances, one man is unexpectedly discovered to be the prime suspect: Terry Maitland, Little League coach and English teacher. Detective Ralph Anderson is in charge of solving the case, but despite having solid evidence against Terry, things are not what they seem, and ultimately the story takes a dark turn. The book has also been made into a limited series currently streaming on HBO.

“A Darker Shade of Magic”

This book by V.E. Schwab is quite different from the ones listed above, in that it is a young adult fantasy, dealing with magic and teleportation between worlds. It follows Kell, a member of the Royal family with a rare magical ability, and Delilah, a thief and a smuggler, who cross paths and must work together in order to save the world. It’s the first in a three-part series, and after the first you’ll be left wanting more.

Grab one of these great reads the next time you hit up the bookstore, then snuggle up and allow yourself to be immersed in a different world!

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Originally from CT, Emily is a junior at Boston University studying Film and Television with a minor in Psychology. Her hobbies include drinking too many vanilla lattes, reading, writing, and watching movies.