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3 Reasons Why You Need to Watch Schitt’s Creek

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

I had tried to watch Schitt’s Creek once before truly becoming engrossed in the show, but I simply could not get attached to the characters or the show after the two episodes I watched. Many of my friends have had the same issue. This is probably because the plot follows a rich family thrown from fortune, something that is a bit unrelatable for most viewers. I recently gave the show a second chance after prodding from my roommate who said that the show would more than likely appeal to my humor. I’m incredibly glad I did, although, my neglected schoolwork probably can’t say the same. Since beginning to watch the award winning show for the second time, I have not been able to turn Netflix off. It’s actually been a bit of a problem, but I’m here to convince you to make the same questionable binging choices. Here are three reasons why you should hop on the Schitt’s Creek binging bandwagon!

Dry, appealing humor

If you absolutely love shows like The Office and Parks and Recreation, you need to give Schitt’s Creek a chance. The show nails deadpan humor with the oblivious Rose family navigating their journey from riches to rags in the small-town of Schitt’s Creek. The Rose family includes former soap opera star Moira, former video store tycoon Johnny and their two spoiled adult children, David and Alexis. The Rose family has to cope with their newfound status in hilarious ways that will absolutely have you cackling for hours on end. Even the recurring cast, specifically Stevie, manages to nail the sarcastic, witty humor the show is renowned for.

Realistic Family Relationships

The way the Rose family grows closer in the face of adversity is truly beautiful to watch, and not in the corny way that so many shows today are. The familial relationship among the characters actually seems authentic and real. The family isn’t perfect; it’s actually far from it. Most of the characters are selfish and more often than not, childish or petty, but that’s what makes the sweet moments hit so close to home. The sibling bond between David and Alexis feels like my relationship with my siblings. They fight and bicker constantly but at the end of the day, they are always there for each other no matter what. Moira and Johnny grow closer to their children and each other throughout the series, and it’s heartwarming to see these relationships blossom.

Dan Levy

Dan Levy, who plays one of the main characters, David Rose, is the genius behind the show. Levy’s father, Eugene, actually plays his character’s father, Johnny Rose. Even Dan’s sister, Sarah Levy, plays the supporting role of Twyla in the series. The Levy family is certainly talented! Not only does Dan Levy star in the show, but he is also the writer of the series and a true visionary. His character, David, is pansexual, and the series navigates his relationships and sexuality to perfection. David has relationships and dalliances with both men and women and it is never treated oddly by anybody in the town. His sexuality is accepted and praised by his family and friends. It’s a beautiful portrayal of fluid sexuality that needs to be showcased more on popular television series.

There are countless more reasons why you should watch Schitt’s Creek but I hope this list convinces you to find out what those are for yourself!

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Brianna is a sophomore at BU studying International Relations with a concentration in the Middle East and North Africa.