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3 Great Shows to Watch When You’re Stuck Inside This November

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

With the first snow officially behind us, Boston is kicking off winter a little earlier than some of us might have expected. As the temperature starts dropping, we’re all going to have to find different ways to entertain ourselves inside. I fear that the days of eating outside, going on long walks, and sitting in parks might be behind us. Unfortunately, that means that many of the things that kept us sane during the pandemic are going away and we’ll have to find different things to do instead. Watching TV is a great way to pass time and stay socially distant inside! Below are three of my favorite shows to watch. They are all extremely different, so I think there will be something for everyone in these recommendations.

Peaky Blinders

The first show is Peaky Blinders. It takes place in 1919, right after World War I in Birmingham, United Kingdom. The show follows the Shelby family through the trials and tribulations of being gangsters in the early 1900s. Their gang, the Peaky Blinders, are famous for wearing razors in their hats and blinding their enemies. The acting in this show is incredible, as is the cinematography, the soundtrack, the costumes, and the sets. Watching Peaky Blinders makes you feel like you’re living in 1919 with the characters.

Disclaimer: the show has both violence and nudity, but every risky aspect of the show contributes to the plot. Where some shows include risky content for shock value, Peaky Blinders only exhibits violence and nudity for the benefit of the plot line. Watching Peaky Blinders is not only a fantastic cinematic experience because of its story, but as a viewer you also learn what life was like back in the early 1900s in a post-war, poor UK city.

Each episode is about an hour long, and each season has six episodes. There are currently five seasons and counting. It is my opinion that Peaky Blinders is the best show on Netflix. Most definitely a must-watch.

Avatar: The Last Airbender

The second show is Avatar: The Last Airbender. I recognize that this show is for kids, which makes it very different from the first recommendation. I actually did watch this show back in 2007 when I was six years old and new episodes were being aired. The thing about this kids’ show is that it is actually only a kids’ show at surface level. I rewatched the entire show this summer and found that the plot actually hits much deeper, more mature topics than I realized when I was younger. The show talks about genocide, abuse, and animal cruelty, among other more adult-geared topics.

The character development over the course of the three seasons is very interesting to watch, as I found myself getting emotionally attached to the characters. The show does a really good job illustrating the complicated relationship between parents and children, friends, and love interests. Though the characters are young, their struggles and obstacles are relevant to watchers of all ages.

The best part is that there are three seasons with 20 episodes each, and each episode is only 20 minutes long. The show is not a huge time commitment, but it is definitely worth watching.

New Girl

My final recommendation is very different from both of the previous shows. New Girl is lighthearted and will make you laugh out loud in your living room. The lovable characters and their ridiculous lives often remind me of the people in my own life, which makes the show even more enjoyable. This show is for girls and boys!! I recently convinced my male roommate to watch it with me and he found himself trying not to laugh at my expense.

It is a great show to watch when you’re feeling down—which could be often this winter—because it is guaranteed to make you laugh. The only problem is that when you sit down to watch it, it is almost impossible to watch just one episode. I find myself in spirals, watching anywhere from four to seven episodes, so be careful.

There are seven seasons with a total of roughly 20 episodes per season—except for the last season which only has seven episodes—and each episode is only 20 minutes long. Again, this show is not a huge time commitment, and it is worth watching because it will definitely improve your mood.

Each of these three shows covers different genres, media types, storylines, and settings, which hopefully means everyone will find interest in at least one of them. Watching TV can be a really great way to educate and entertain yourself, especially during this unprecedented time.

All of these shows can be found on Netflix. Happy watching!

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Catherine is from Boston MA. She is a junior in the College of Communications at Boston University. Her hobbies include reading and taking walks, and she is also a member of BU's sailing team. Catherine has been a writer for Her Campus since the fall of 2020, and recently joined the editing team this past fall. She is currently pursuing a major in journalism and a minor in English.