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Skincare Tips for Beginners

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryn Mawr chapter.

As someone who refuses to wear makeup, I have found skincare to be a good alternative and compromise for enhancing my natural beauty. skincare allows me to feel comfortable in my skin while making sure my sensitive skin is as happy as it can be. However, skincare can seem super daunting for people who are new to it. If you are considering creating a skincare routine or created a skincare routine recently and need some tips, look no further.

1.     The Order you Apply Products Matters

When I was learning about skincare, I thought that I was supposed to apply my toner first and my cleanser last. However, this super helpful article from Cosmopolitan helped me figure out the best order to apply the products in my skincare routine. The most important products for a skincare routine are cleanser, toner and moisturizer. You should apply your cleanser first, which you should generally apply after you have washed your face unless your cleanser’s directions say otherwise. I generally wash off my cleanser after a few minutes but that isn’t necessary. Toner goes next and then a moisturizer. Always apply sunscreen last, though, if you are thinking about putting on sunscreen. If you are mid-breakout, you can add in an acne treatment to your routine; however, acne treatments, facial oils and other skincare products are not required.

2.     You do Not Need to Have a 10 Step skincare Routine

My personal skincare routine is 5 steps in the morning, since I always apply sunscreen and a facial oil for better protection, and 4 steps at night, since I want to minimize acne breakouts. However, other than a good cleanser, toner and moisturizer, there are no other products you need to use. If you are mid-breakout, you can add an acne treatment to your routine; if your skin is looking dull, adding in a brightening facial oil can help. When it comes to your skincare routine, listen to your skin and what it needs. Your routine only needs to be as complicated as you want it to be!

3.     Consider Natural Products that Won’t Irritate your Skin

I’m not going to say that there is a certain brand you need to use to get the best results but I will recommend using products that don’t use harsh chemicals that could irritate your skin. Try to avoid products that use synthetic fragrances, which could irritate your skin or cause allergic reactions, and retinol, which is a synthetic version of Vitamin A. I found this list helpful when trying to pick out skincare products that would work best for me. Try to find products that include lots of vitamins and take into consideration your skin type.

4.     Oil is good!

Before I started my skincare routine, I hated when my face felt even a little oily. I washed my face multiple times a day because the feeling bothered me. It turns out that this was bad for my skin because the oil your face creates helps protect it from stuff that could clog your pores. Therefore, I highly suggest getting a moisturizer that has oil in it. If that oily feeling bothers you, though, start small and get a cleanser that does not have oil in it and conder getting a facial oil. I personally use an oil-based cleanser and a facial oil that helps with dark spots. However, when it comes to skincare, always do what makes you comfortable. Oil is healthy, though, and consider it when establishing or adding to your routine.

5.     It is Okay to Mix Brands!

When creating or adding to your skincare routine, you do not always have to stick to buying products from the same brand. If Clinique has a new moisturizer you want to try but you are mainly using Glossier products, there is no need to worry about if the products will mix well or not. As long as you are using products that work best with your skin type, choose the brands that work best for you. 

Peyton Straubel

Bryn Mawr '24

Hi! I'm Pey and I am a sophomore English major at Bryn Mawr College. I am interested in Korean, traveling, and overanalyzing everything I read. A fun fact about me is that I always wear something blue.