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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryn Mawr chapter.

It’s that time of year again! How we’re already here is a mystery to me, but at least that means it’s finally acceptable for me to dust off a nice collection of corny, sappy holiday movies. I’m not saying these movies are all necessarily good, in the sense that they deserve any critical acclaim, but they’re definitely sentimental, funny (sometimes intentionally, but not always) and embody the holiday spirit pretty well.

Home Alone

This one’s a classic, and I’m not sure if I really need to justify it. Anyone can get something out of this movie. Whether you enjoy family comedies, or if you want to pick apart the impossibility of some aspects of the plot (for real, just call the cops…), this movie is a lot of fun.

A Christmas Carol

There’s a few different versions of this one, but my personal favorite is the 1984 one. It serves as a not-so-subtle reminder to appreciate the people in your life and to be treat others with kindness and respect. What’s not to like about that? If that’s not your thing, then at least you can enjoy any portrayal of the over-the-top and misanthropic Scrooge.

Love Actually

Arguably one of the most shamelessly sentimental rom coms ever made, this one is really fun to sit back and let happen to you. I cannot accurately describe the amount of cheese, nor can I do any justice to some of the most mind-boggling plots I’ve ever seen. You just have to watch it to understand.

The Holiday

This one isn’t too well known, but it’s a pretty solid holiday-themed rom com. It has an ensemble cast including Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz and Jack Black (yes, that’s correct, Jack Black did a romantic comedy). It’s another shameless display of sappiness, but that’s just what holiday movies are.


I’d say that this is among one of the most popular holiday movies out there. Elf has a lot of charm and can appeal to both adults and children. And if nothing else, it’s a good crowd pleaser if you’re marathoning with a group!

It’s A Wonderful Life

I’ve seen this movie so many times, and I know a lot of people have mixed feelings about it. Nevertheless, it’s considered a classic of pop culture and has some very sweet and significant moments throughout.

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Let’s take a weirder route for the last two additions to this holiday movie marathon. This beloved Halloween/Christmas movie is great for those of us that adore all things creepy and macabre.

Die Hard

This movie is the antithesis to almost everything that came before it. It’s a hardcore feature-length action sequence, and I figure a wonderful last addition to this movie marathon. Maybe wait until the youngins are asleep to watch this one though.

Audrey Lin

Bryn Mawr

Computer Science and Linguistics double major at Bryn Mawr College. Lover of bubble tea and anything matcha.