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3 Ways to Boost Your Mood During the Spring Semester Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryn Mawr chapter.

After a month of cozy relaxation and fun with family and friends, the return to dorm life and homework are usually pretty rough on your mood. And if you go to school on the East Coast, the early darkness and freezing temperatures don’t do much to help matters, either.

At Bryn Mawr, we have Welcome the First Years Week to break up the time between the beginning of the spring semester and spring break, but even with happy times to look forward to, it’s easy to feel down during the first few weeks.

I always struggle during the transition period at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters, so I’ve picked up a few things that help me get through. Hopefully they can help you, too!

  1. Go to Philly (or some place other than campus): At the beginning of the spring semester last year and this year, I took memorable trips to Philly with my friends. Getting off campus for a day and doing something fun really helps change my mood and reminds me that there’s life outside of the Bryn Mawr bubble!
  2. Get Out of Your Room: I find that by staying isolated in my dorm room, I enable my homesick feelings. Getting out alone or with friends is a great way to feel productive—and just being around people will boost your mood, whether you talk to them or not. At Bryn Mawr, some good places to hang are the Campus Center, The Lusty Cup, Uncommon Grounds, your dorm Common Room, or even the Park Science Glass Atrium—the natural lighting is great there.

  3. Remember the Three Week Rule: I didn’t know what the Three Week Rule was until the middle of the fall semester this year, and it really changed my perspective on those sad first few weeks of term. One of my best friends at Bryn Mawr told me about the rule, and if anyone would know about it she would: she’s an International Student who attended boarding school in the U.S. prior to coming to college, so she’s had to leave home many times. According to her, it’s the first three weeks of the semester that are the worst for homesickness, sadness, weather, and many other things. This totally matches my experience. So, during those weeks, just remember that soon, things will turn around—and your next trip home or off-campus will be in sight!

Maria Bohan

Bryn Mawr '21

I'm a Bryn Mawr College junior who still gets excited about the little things in life. English major/Education minor.