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Why You Need to Join the Dogspotting Page on Facebook NOW

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Facebook groups — terribly uncool and not trendy, right? Wrong. We know the deal, Facebook is home to Tasty videos, weird family members you see twice a year, and political battles between the right and left. But underneath all of that, there is an awesome Facebook group focused on dogs. And no, it is not Doug the Pug, this group focuses on all types of dogs! The group is called Dogspotting and it is a great group of people who spot dogs. There are rules for posting.

You’re not allowed to post a dog you know, service dogs, or dogs at places were dogs can commonly be found (ie. Dog park, groomers, etc). There is a whole point scoring system that goes with spots, and it is quite complicated. There is a laundry list of rules and regulations that can be found in the bio of the group, but, LBR, were just here for the dogs.

So, here are some stars of the show.