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What’s the Deal with Fire Alarms on Campus?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

No one wants to hear that four a.m. alarm that seems to go off every other day of the week. The fire alarm is the absolute enemy to all college students. Once you finally fall asleep you’re rudely awakened by the worst sound you have ever heard in your entire life.

The best part of the whole fire alarm experience is the apparel of your classmates. The fire alarm goes off and everyone instantly starts to panic, forcing them to grab two mismatched left shoes and, when it’s cold, the nearest blanket.  Everyone, including you, looks like they are doing the ultimate walk of shame.  

The worst part is how long it takes the fire department to actually get to the school to shut it off. What if there really was a fire? In the time it takes the fire department to come and check the building, we could have gone to Chipotle, eaten not only one, but two burritos, and still be back before the engines. That means that if your building REALLY was burning down, you would basically have zero chance of survival. However, the sexy fire fighters make the situation a little better…

Fire alarms in high school were awesome. They got us out of our dreadfully long school days. But now they are allowed to go off at any time of the day or night. We’re sorry for ever wishing for fire alarms. College has taught us that the real enemy is a four am fire drill.  

Bryant University Class of 2019I can watch a whole series on Netflix in less than a month and feel no remorse... same with eating an entire pint of Phish Food. 
Boston Ma. Undergraduate at Bryant University.