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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Braids can be a quick and easy hair styles that can be worn for all occasions, whether it be going to class or going out on a date.  Braids can be dressed up or dressed down, and the best part is, they only take a few minutes to do! Here are some cute braid tips for our upcoming spring break!

French Braid

The traditional French bread is always a go to style when your hair is not cooperating. The key to this braids is simple; first start that the top of your head with three pieces of hair. Then, work your way down the back of your head threading the strands over and under each other, remember to keep adding to the original three pieces of hair as your work down the back of your head. Don’t worry if it does not come out flawless the first time…practice makes perfect! 


Fishtail Braid

The fishtail braid is a little more complicated but still very manageable. This braid follows the same idea as the traditional braid, expect instead of weaving 3 pieces of hair over and under each other, you cross pieces of hair from the left over to the right and continue this process all the way down. 


Twist Braid

Finally, for those who want a simpler style, the twist braid is the one for you. This is a very basic style but still looks great! Take two pieces of hair from the top left and right sides of your head and twist the hair backwards, then clip them back. This creates a beautiful half up-half down look.