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Treat Your Friends This Holiday Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

While the holidays are a wonderful time, they are also incredibly expensive.  After shopping for our families and significant others, our wallets inevitably  begin to shrink. A college student survives on a tight enough budget as it is, never mind the money we’re now spending shopping for others. However, neglecting your friends during the season of giving clearly just isn’t an option. Rest assured, Her Campus has a couple of suggestions that are sure to please both your friends and your wallet.


  1. Yankee Swap– Yankee swaps are cost effective and fun. Grab your group of friends, decide on a price, and each purchase one gift for the event. Make sure you don’t tell anyone else what you purchased! On the day of the event, present the wrapped gifts to the group and hand out a number to each participant. This number determines the order in which everyone will choose their gift. Each person, excluding the first person, has the option to either keep the gift they picked, or opt to trade gifts with someone else. This game has a competitive edge that spices up the night, while allowing you to give to the people you care about.


  1. Secret Santa- This Christmas, get together with a group of friends and participate in a round of Secret Santa. Each person is assigned another person to give a gift to. The Secret Santa is entirely anonymous until the gift is presented. This game is fun and interesting, while allowing the gifts to be personalized, for a warmer touch. This game is similar to a Yankee Swap in that a price is set to save you from any excess spending. Her Campus looks forward to Secret Santa year after year.


The season of giving is truly a wonderful time of the year. However, time is running out! Give our ideas a whirl and bring joy to your friends  this holiday season.