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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Exercise is very important in reducing stress whether that be a hot girl walk around campus, going to the gym, or doing Yoga. Personally, I find that during finals or leading up to finals I like to start my day with a walk outside because it helps me start my day on a productive note, allows me time to think and mentally plan out my day, and exercise is medically proven to reduce stress. I then like to go to the gym around 9 or 10 o’clock pm. This timing works for me because it’s about the time when I start to get tired and stressed with all the assignments I have left for the night. Going to the gum gives me a boost of energy to power through a few more house of homework when I get back, but I also really like to use “run out my stress” on the treadmill or do a really good leg or arm day and channel that stress into the workout.

It is also really important to get a good night’s sleep during finals to help control stress, which can be difficult when your mind is full of all the things you have to get done the next day or assignments you did not complete that day. I recommend having essential oils like lavender nearby to put on or spray your pillow with before going to bed. It can help relax your body and help you fall asleep faster. A warm shower is also a great way to end the night because it relaxes your muscles and allows you to reflect in your day and plan the next, so once you get into bed your mind is more at ease and can fall asleep.

A Bryant Student really interested in Fashion, home decor, and traveling!