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St. Patrick’s Day Fun Facts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

 With our next big holiday right around the corner, we decided to blow your minds with some fun facts that show you why we love St. Patrick’s Day! 

1. The world’s first ever St. Patrick’s Day parade took place in Boston, MA in 1737.

2. Guinness execs say that every St. Patrick’s Day the company sells over 13 million pints of beer! (On an average day, they sell about 5 million)

3. Saint Patrick isn’t even Irish! (He is Scottish though, so at least he still had that hot Jamie Dornan accent)

4. The total bar tab in America will be around $245 million dollars!

5. In the United States alone, there are over 30 million citizens that have Irish heritage, which is more than Ireland’s actual population!

6. The amount of adults wearing green this year will stretch from California to New York four times!

7. Saint Patrick’s real name isn’t even Patrick, its Maewyn Succat! (It’s okay, we can’t pronounce it either)

8. The St. Patrick’s Day parade in Boston draws in a crowd of almost a million people each year.

9. In Chicago, they dye the river green for the big day.

10. One of the biggest collegiate celebrations for St. Patrick’s Day happens at UMass Amherst, and is called the Blarney Blowout.

As you can see, St. Patrick’s Day is a favorite holiday because it gives us an excuse to wear that green sweater in the back of our closets and party with our friends all day. If that isn’t fun, what is??

Senior, marketing major from Pembroke MA.  Marketing and PR Chair for Bryant's Her Campus chapter.  Loves sharks.