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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Last week, the Amica Center hosted a #PostGradProbs presentation that covered renting an apartment, budgeting, insurance, building good credit, benefits, and taxes. The info session was targeted to graduating seniors to get them prepared and thinking about their post-graduation plans. Moving into your first apartment can be scary and exciting, but with these helpful tips from the info session, your move-in can be a success!

  • Look at past reviews (if any) on apartment complexes to get more insider information. From reading other people’s experiences you’ll really get the ins and outs and the good and bad about the apartment and neighboring area.
  • Be sure to tour the area a couple times before making your decision. If you’re moving into a new city, a helpful hint is to also visit it at its worst – this could mean at night or in rainy weather conditions. This will give you an overall feel for the area and the apartment building!


  • A huge hidden cost that many don’t consider is the cost of moving boxes. To avoid paying extra, look into listing on Craigslist or reach out to friends and family!
  • Depending on the day you’re moving into your new apartment, you may have to reserve things ahead of time. Certain places ask that you reserve a specific time to move in depending if it is a busy move in day. You may have to reserve the parking spot directly in front of the place or even elevators to make your move in easier.
  • One of the biggest pieces a new grad should understand is renter’s insurance – more importantly, how to do it correctly. If you’re doing it on your own, be sure you’re not undervaluing or overvaluing your things and property.


College Senior from CT