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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.
BOTTLED WATER! Make sure you are making time to add some bottled water in throughout the day. Mojito, Water, Margarita, Water, Mojito, Water, Strawberry Daiquiri, Water… you get the idea. Make sure you drink lots of water right before bed and as soon as you wake up as well!
Sleep: Take advantage of the times you can sleep- if you and your vacation pals are staying up late and partying at night try to take a nap during the day by the pool.
Eat: Make sure you are not missing meals, you will only get more tired and cranky, or too drunk to keep going throughout the day and night.
Know your limits: If you know you can’t handle it don’t go out every night! Pick the days you will be going off the resort, to go out or when you’ll be taking it easier. This will make it much more manageable!