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Aaron Burden/Unsplash

How to Have a Proper Friends-Giving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

With Thanksgiving break slowly approaching, it’s hard to not constantly think about seeing your friends from home, cuddling with your dog, and the absurd amount of “real” food you will be inhaling. November 24th this year calls for Thanksgiving. However even though it’s not officially on the calendar, November 25th is Friends-giving (n): the getting together of your friends, with good people, great drinks, and reliving and making memories. We’re sure you’re wondering, “How does one have a successful Friends-giving? “ Well here are some helpful hints to accomplish that.


Invite everyone. In this case, the more the merrier. We know sometimes it can be hard to accommodate for 30 people while we are home, but inviting everyone just reminds you of all the good friends you have in your life. Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks, and be grateful for what we have, so why not remind all our friends of that.

Don’t eat turkey again. The crazy amounts of mashed potatoes, stuffing, and turkey you inhaled on the 24th, was enough Thanksgiving food for a year. Why not make something else for all of your friends. You could make it a pasta dinner or order Chinese food, or grill! These are cheaper options that will leave you full, and not remind you of how your jeans no longer fit you because of the day before.

Bring/play games. Whether you do it with drinks or not, play Cards Against Humanity or bring your favorite board game. Just do something that will make for a fun, yet simple night.  Some of the best nights you will have entail wine, board games, and people that matter most in your life.

 Plan for a Christmas swap, or Christmas hangout. We know Christmas seems like it’s kind of far away, but how often will you actually see your friends from home!? You may only seem them twice a year- Thanksgiving, and Christmas. So during your Thanksgiving break, mention Christmas and start planning- it’s never too early to plan!

Give thanks. To your family, and your friends (new and old) just be grateful and thankful that you have the opportunity to be with your loved ones on such a great holiday!

Boston Ma. Undergraduate at Bryant University.