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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

This semester may have consisted of lots of online shopping and many mall trips, so when you get home and realize that you have no more room in your closet for your cloths you have to do something! So why not donate your cloths to people who need it, here’s some tips to help you do that:

1.       Get rid of all the things that don’t fit you! That can be a big help in making your closet smaller.

2.       Get rid of all the things that you don’t like or can’t imagine yourself wearing anymore.

3.       Long-term plan: put all your hangers facing one way. When you wear something, put the hanger the other way. By the end of three months get rid of the cloths you don’t wear. Make sure you do it by season because you won’t be wearing your winter stuff in the summer and vice versa.