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5 Things You Should Know about Geminis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

1. We’re known for our inconsistency, but at the end of the day we’re the most loyal people.Everybody says that Gemini’s can’t stick to anything for too long, and yes, routine does drive us mad, but our people are our people. We don’t easily walk away from what we love. That spinning class? We’ll take it or leave it. Our best friend for the past three years? We’re going to fight for that relationship. It’s not that stability is dull to us, but lack of change is. We choose dynamic people purposely, and if we’re truly inspired by those around us and what we’re doing, you’ll have the worst time trying to tear us away from our passions.

2. We’re genuinely happy people.We live by the motto “It’ll get done when it gets done”. That being said, not a lot of things stress us out or even bother us enough to affect our overall mood. If you notice something is bugging us, take it seriously, because we probably just want to talk about it and move forward. Ever met a naturally miserable Gemini? Didn’t think so.

3. We’ll pretend it doesn’t hurt until it’s actually killing us.We’re not super emotional, we’re humorous. Gemini cover a lot up with cracking jokes and being the life of the party, but like everybody else in the world, we have a breaking point. The thing is, we gradually get there in almost, if not total, silence. We’ll tell you a little bit about whatever physical, mental, or emotional hardship we’re facing, and then close up again quickly. This is because Gemini hate to feel dramatic, so we downplay even our biggest problems. It’s like a time bomb with a few small ticks, then boom. We’ll explode and suddenly you’re listening to us describe how our entire lives are basically being torched for 10 different reasons you knew close to nothing about until this moment. Stay tuned.

4. We value our alone time.Do not get offended when we just want to hang out by ourselves. It isn’t that we don’t like you, but we like our sanity more. Gemini live a really healthy lifestyle in the sense that they balance their hours spent with friends/family and with nothing but a laptop, headphones, and a pillow. Just let us think. We’ll come back to you when we’re done, we promise. Think of it as a cleanse, it won’t last forever.

5. We’re super adventurous.Road-trip across the nation? We’re down. Gemini are SO spontaneous and crave exploring new places. We’ll drop everything for experience and excitement. Gemini are great travel buddies because of their openness, creativity, and ability to be pleased easily. Please, take us with you. You won’t regret it.

I like summer, country music, and mint chocolate chip ice cream, preferably at the same time.