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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

While fast fashion companies like H&M and Forever 21 were the hype in the fashion industry, this is quickly changing. Fast fashion clothing companies are out, and sustainable, ethical clothing companies are in. We’ve created a list of 10 sustainable fashion brands – from swimwear and activewear to shoes and shirts, you can feel good about purchasing from these companies. Some are smaller companies (all the more reason to support them!) and some are more large-scale, but they’re all great companies to keep in mind if you’re looking to purchase some new clothes.

Beyond Yoga

Boody Ecowear


The Drift Collective


The Fashion Florist

Indigo Luna Store

Kokoh & Koi


Outerknown Women’s

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Find me either eating some vegan buffalo mac & cheese or crocheting up a storm. Or maybe both at the same time.  
Self-Declared Pizza Connoisseur & Designated Champagne Popper