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Life > Experiences

My 3 Not-So-Typical Self-Care Rituals

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.

As college students, we all have our routines. Our early morning wake-up calls are quickly followed by long classes, meals with friends, and meetings to lengthen our day. When we have a self-care night, we reclaim the time as ours. For me, I tend to devote my efforts into my skincare routine, as a way to unwind and start fresh. Our ideas of a self-care night can look so different. If you would like to spice things up, here are some suggestions to get the ball rolling.

candle painting

I am a lover of candles. When I am studying for a big exam, I always feel the need to light a candle. The scent mixed with its aesthetics make the study space feel a lot more cozy. There is a trend circulating TikTok about candle painting. If you have an old candle lying around and want to repurpose it, this is the trend for you. All you need are white and the remains of colorful candles. As you light the colorful candles, you can take a paint brush and begin your masterpiece on the white candle. From hearts to flowers, your design will stick onto the white candle. It adds a personal touch to the white candle, brightening up a space in any way you choose.

Impromptu dance parties

Growing up, I was an avid fan of Just Dance. There is something freeing about letting loose and dancing the night away. I recommend you make a playlist (or a joint playlist with friends) of your favorite songs, both old and new. From this point forward, I would grab my headphones and find a safe space. It could be your bedroom, India Point Park, or Pembroke Field (I have had spontaneous dance breaks here and they have always been my favorite). There are no rules. The moment you press play on your music, let it all out. The experience can be that much sweeter with friends, but a solo dance session never goes wrong.

Creating your own phone cases

I have always heard the phrase that accessories can make or break an outfit. It’s always a game of dress-up figuring out which necklace or earrings go best with the outfit you have on. Our phone cases are always left out of the picture. We can put an end to that by creating a phone case. You can order a clear phone case that matches the measurements of your phone and charms to go with it. Here is where you can truly let your imagination run wild. From beads to ribbons, it is all possible. With music in the background, it is a tactile way to get all of your stress out. Plus, you can show off your artistic skills with a new phone case.

The perfect way to decompress after a long day is doing activities that make you feel your best. From singing and dancing to arts and craft or a good movie night, it is your self-care night. What is most important is that you set time aside for yourself: You deserve it!

Samantha is a junior from New York City studying Neurobiology. Apart from her work in lab, she enjoys reading, petting the neighborhood dogs, and drinking matcha lattes.