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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.


Valentine’s day? No. GALentine’s Day.

What is Galentine’s day you might ask? Great question, Galentine’s day is a fictional holiday created by Leslie Knope of the show Parks and Recreation. The holiday, which comes every February 13th, is meant to be a day dedicated to celebrating you and your gal friends. 


Since we’re all still staying home and are likely distanced from some of our besties, I feel that the best way to celebrate this year is over the good ole zoom. Here’re some Galentine’s Day zoom activities that you and your best friends can do to celebrate this special holiday this year:



All you need for this one is a phone, some friends, and some drinks! Download Picolo from the app store, enter in your friends’ names and you’re good to go. Great for getting to know people but also awesome for close friends.  


Red Flag, Deal Breaker, Full Send

This game is a personal favorite of mine. Say you’re on a first date and everything’s going fine but they suddenly do or say something interesting. Well, this is the game where you have to decide whether or not it’s a red flag, a deal-breaker, or a full send. To play this you and your friends are going to think of some things a first date could do, say them to the group, and go around and decide if the thing in question is a red flag, deal-breaker, or full send. It’s great because one person’s deal-breaker is another’s full send! I’ll list some examples below:


  1. Wears a beanie for the first date

  2. Believes we’re in a simulation 

  3. Loves their mom

  4. Only wears vineyard vines 

  5. Brings flowers to the first date 

  6. High maintenance

  7. Has a lot of selfies on Instagram

  8. Mentions their ex on the first date 

  9. Has a privacy screen protector 

  10. Believes in ghosts/or aliens



Never did I ever see myself playing Bingo on a Friday night whilst in college, but hey, here we are. I was hesitant on this one, but after a few games last March I know it can be a great time. For this one, you just need a group of friends, a piece of paper, some coins, and either a bingo die or an online number generator. 


For this one, everyone’s going to need to download the Psych app on their phones. Basically, each of you is going to come up with funny/fake answers to real trivia questions. Psych’s a great time, but I’d recommend playing with people you know pretty well though, as inside jokes are often incorporated into the game. 


Kiss Marry Kill – Celebrities

For those who are unfamiliar, you basically just name three celebrities and each person decides which in the group they would kiss, marry, or kill. 


Craziest Date You’ve Been On

This one’s pretty self-explanatory but basically, go around the group and tell your wildest date story. Extra points if the story involves water/or animals.  


Natasha is a sophomore at Brown University studying the History of Art and Architecture.