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Dress for Success: A Complete Guide to Nail Your Interview Look

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.

Your palms are getting sweaty. Your cheeks are turning red. You have an interview in less than an hour and are frantically searching your closet for an outfit that screams professional chic. Your stress should be centered around acing your interview, not trying to piece together an outfit. With some preparation, dressing for success will be an easy box to check off. 

We have all heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” but if you are walking down the aisles of Barnes and Noble, there might be a certain book with an eye-catching cover that makes you stop in your tracks. First impressions are important, especially during an interview. You want to convey that no one is more prepared and qualified than you. Not only can you meet the team’s expectations, but you can soar above them. Plus, a good outfit makes you feel most confident (and who wouldn’t want that?).

Acquiring basics would be the first step. A solid white shirt with black slacks can never go wrong. That combination combines professionalism and preparedness, two traits you want to convey to your employer. Stores like Zara, H&M, and Macy’s carry your interview necessities. Browsing through the website or the racks in stores will spark inspiration; rocking your interview style does not have to break the bank. 

A mentor once shared this advice: “You can slay an interview by being your best self.” If you can pick an outfit that shows your best self, personality, and all, you will feel your most confident. Bring your best cardigan, favorite slacks, and lovely colors to the interview; they want you to be yourself. You shine brighter than the stars; You deserve to show them that in its entirety. As long as you feel 100%, you will give 100%. Best of luck with your interview! 

Samantha is a junior from New York City studying Neurobiology. Apart from her work in lab, she enjoys reading, petting the neighborhood dogs, and drinking matcha lattes.