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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.

Name: Zach Targoff

Year: 2023

Hometown: New York, New York

Concentration: Physics


1. Birthday: 

July 13th (He’s a Cancer!)


2. Favorite Movie:

The Usual Suspects


3. Favorite Song:

Blind by DaBaby & Young Thug


4. Favorite Sport:



5. Favorite spot on campus:

Meeting Street Cafe (orders the chicken parm)


6. Favorite Restaurant in Providence:

Al Forno


7. Favorite Restaurant from hometown:

The Mansion Diner, NYC


8. Where do you see yourself in 10 years:

With a family in New York


9. One thing you can’t live without:

Ice cream


10. Secret talent:

Can raise his own hairline


11. Currently crushing on someone:



12. Celebrity Crush:

Diane from Cheers


13. Who’s your idol:

Omri Casspi


14. If you could trade places for a day with one celebrity, who would it be:

Someone who can run really fast… So let’s go with Tyler Herr


15. What do you look for in a girl:

Someone genuine with a sense of humor 


16. What is your ideal date:

Dinner and an NBA game

Addie is a junior from New York City studying History and Religious Studies. Her interests include piano, horseback riding, and dancing Ballet.
Katharine is the Co-Campus Correspondent of the Her Campus Brown chapter. She is a Junior concentrating in Public Policy.