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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.

As someone who always likes to make treats for special occasions, it probably won’t come as a surprise that I spent much of Easter weekend in the kitchen, baking. After searching Pinterest for cute Spring desserts, I finally settled on a recipe for Easter blondies, and they were so delicious that I can’t pass up the opportunity to share the recipe with all of you! 

Before you start making these blondies, make sure you have access to the following items: an oven, measuring cups, a baking dish, and a mixing bowl. You will also need the staple ingredients listed below. Aside from these necessities, the recipe is rather straightforward and low maintenance, so even the most beginner baker can make these awesome blondies.

Without further ado, here’s a list of all the ingredients you’ll need:

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour

  • 1 cup brown sugar

  • ½ cup Easter M&M’s

  • ½ cup unsalted butter

  • 1 ½ tsp. vanilla extract

  • ¼ tsp. baking powder

  • ⅛ tsp. salt

  • 1 egg

For a more detailed list outlining all the steps to perfecting these blondies, take a look at the original recipe.

Something that I love about this recipe is that it produces a reasonably-sized batch. Since I come from a small immediate family and never want to waste dessert, I traditionally avoid recipes that make large portions or have to cut those recipes in half. With this recipe, I was able to avoid that work!

After taking the blondies out of the oven and letting them cool, I finally got to taste one! The texture was awesome- a little crispy on the edges, but super soft and chewy in the middle. They reminded me a bit of a sugar cookie in flavor with little bits of pastel chocolate inside.

Of course, there are so many options for making this recipe cater to your own desires. You don’t just have to use Easter M&M’s; you can also add anything you want- other candy, nuts, etc. I personally want to try adding peanut butter chips and dark chocolate to the recipe. There is literally no way you could go wrong.

As an extra tip from a (semi)-experienced baker, remember to grease whatever pan you’re pouring the batter into. Even if I’m using a nonstick pan, I make sure that the bottom and edges of whatever I’m baking won’t get stuck to the pan. I personally use vegetable oil spray for this, but there are many other options. From personal experience, you really don’t want to have to deal with desserts stuck to the pan because it can get pretty messy.

If you have an oven nearby, you have to try these blondies! You don’t want to miss out.

Hi there! My name is Mason Thompson and I'm from Owensboro, Kentucky. I'm a member of the class of 2024 at Brown University and currently planning on concentrating in psychology. Other than being a part of Her Campus, I am am member of Circle of Women at Brown and plan on joining the women's varsity equestrian team. I absolutely love coffee-- caffeine runs through my blood! I also really like animals (I have two dogs) and Studio Ghibli movies.
Nora is the Campus Correspondent for Brown University's chapter. She is a Junior from New York studying Applied Math-Economics. Her interests are writing, painting, and playing tennis.