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Justice4Grefell: Bristol’s Silent March

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bristol chapter.

Eight months on from the Grenfell Tower tragedy and the fight for justice is far from over. 71 were killed and many more have been pronounced missing or injured. And yet, no arrests have been made. There are still 297 towers fitted with the same flammable cladding that needlessly killed men, women and children. Survivors are not being housed in the way that they deserve, with many still in emergency homes. Those who have been most affected are being denied a role in the inquiry which is taking place. Put simply: their wants, needs and just basic rights are being ignored. Justice4Grenfell  is a community led organisation which aims to eliminate this problem. It helps families of the bereaved, survivors, evacuated residents and the wider local community. On the 14th of each month it runs silent walks from Kensignton Town Hall to Grenfell Memorial Wall to show the victims that they have not been forgotten. The existence of the Justice4Grenfell campaign shows the failure of the authorities to respond appropriately and thus, the necessity for the community to come together and fill the void which has been left.

On the 14th of March Bristol4Grenfell was supported by Justice4Grenfell, Bristol People’s Assembly and  over one hundred people in marching in silence through Bristol in a display of solidarity. We gathered at the water fountains to hear speakers before taking off through the city, with the march set to finish in St Pauls. Everyone who took part in the march was encouraged to hold a sign, each one had the name and picture of a victim of Grenfell. As I carried a sign with the face of a three year old boy, named Hania, my support for the Justice4Grenfell Campaign had never been stronger. Marchers were also encouraged to hold signs which consisted of a heart made from thin paper and to shine their phone torches through to make an impact as we walked in the dark. I believe that the event was extremely poignant and in many ways absolutely heartbreaking. Coming up to the one year anniversary of the Grenfell tragedy it’s important that we show our support to those who were impacted by any means possible.

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Sarah Wilson

Bristol '19

Co-President of Her Campus Bristol
Zoe Thompson

Bristol '18

President of Her Campus Bristol.