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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bristol chapter.

Name: Paloma Parkes.


Year: 1st.


Study: Geography.


What are you wearing?: The dress is from Zara and my coat is from somewhere on Park Street, most likely Sobey’s. The bag is from an Indian Store in the States where I used to live.


Who’s your style icon?: I don’t have a style icon in particular. I normally pick up anything that catches my eye – I don’t go with set trends.


Favourite Shop: The store from where I bought my bag; it’s in New York.


Favourite Night Out: Lakota.


I caught Paloma handing out flyers around campus concerning a new campaign that just started this year. The effort is going towards pushing Bristol University to move from fossil fuels to renewable energy. If you are interested, Paloma and others will be around University at lunchtime for the next 2 weeks where you can sign the petition and find out more information! Alternatively, go online to support the cause http://campaigns.gofossilfree.org/petitions/university-of-bristol-divest…!

Georgie or 'G' is a 21 year old, 2nd year Ancient History student studying at Bristol University. Originally from Cambridgeshire, Georgie is adjusting to the south westerly wind and not so even landscape of Bristol. Currently living in Clifton, Georgie enjoys its boutique coffee shops, delicious eateries, and great running routes. Her interests include: fashion, cake, her 2 dogs, keeping fit & healthy, good friends and lots of laughs. Instagram - http://instagram.com/gwils_ Twitter - https://twitter.com/wilson_georgina
Her Campus magazine