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RATT Week: Remember All The Traditions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brenau chapter.

Brenau has many different traditions and beliefs, especially here on campus. “Don’t go in the fountain or you’ll never get married.” “Don’t split the pole.” “Has anybody seen a spade around?” We upperclassmen understand the difficulty of learning it all. To help our fellow freshman adjust to Brenau life, generations before us decided to give a helping hand. All aboard for RATT Week!

Tuesday September 20th through Thursday September 22nd is RATT Week. RATT Week basically means Remember All The Traditions. RATT Week is when the sophomore class quiz the freshman class on the traditions and history behind Brenau. The sophomores dress in all black while the freshman dress up like rats. Sophomores will ask the freshman questions about the traditions and history behind Brenau and if the freshman get the question wrong, they have to do a funny consequence, like doing the dance from Hotline Bling or dabbing or even barking like a dog.

On the last day of RATT Week, awards are given out to the top notch freshman of the batch. It’s serious for the Sophomores too! Sophomores have to wear all black and have to be completely serious.

This week, look out for freshman dressing like Rats! It’s just a sign that RATT Week is in full swing!

Sommer Stockton is a sophomore at Brenau University and is majoring in Mass Communications. She believes she is the biggest Harry Potter fan of all time and loves to travel to new places. She loves chicken nuggets, frozen cokes and squirrels. Sommer is a proud Slytherin at heart.
My name is Kenya Hunter! I am a freshman at Brenau University as a Mass Communications major. My focus is journalism!