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Papers Upon Papers: The College Struggle

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brenau chapter.

Dear College Professors,

Do you want to know what brings a college student more pain than having multiple assignments due in multiple classes? Multiple papers in multiple classes! The struggle of trying to balance all the assignments that a student has in one class is a task in itself, but adding on papers? That makes a student stress even more than they already were; this is a recipe for disaster. Time management is key and we all know this; however, many people do not have that skill as much as they wish they did. If you are reading this, you have more than likely already graduated high school and you are gearing up for college (should that be your decision). Let me be frank with you, all the core classes you will take in higher education will more than likely have information you will forget because you will care more about your major: what you are actually studying in school.

This is coming from a freshman in college so listen to me when I tell you it is in your best interest to get your assignments done early in order to spend more time on the papers that you will have to write. It is a pain; I know, and everyone works at their own pace, but trust me on this one. It seems like when you get to college there is just a mountain of papers that you have to do, but as bad as it seems you will survive. To be completely honest it is all major dependent when it is not your core classes; some are worse than others so when choosing your major, you have to be aware of the work that comes with it. Your best bet is to do your research and know what you are getting into because you do not want to have it all come at you unexpectedly.

Every college student will be able to confirm that the first paper week will always be the worst. You more than likely are not used to having to write that many papers in a short period of time which can be overwhelming for anyone. The workload is high but when it is over, all of us college students are happy until we have to go through it all over again. I have seen it all first hand; should you decide to attend college, remember that it is papers upon papers.


An Overwhelmed College Freshman

I am a freshman the the Her Campus Brenau Writing Team.
Junior, Mass Communication major with a concentration in Entertainment Management. Campus Corespondent and Campus Trendsetter for HC Brenau.