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My Top 4 Things To Do In College Without A Car

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brenau chapter.

Having a car on campus, especially one as small of a campus as Brenau is not completely necessary. Most places you can walk to on a small campus. Because Gainesville does not have much to do, weekends in town can get pretty boring and repetitive pretty quickly. In certain situations, being without a car can be frustrating, especially if your school does not have readily available transportation. As a result, I have compiled a list of my top four activities that I do when I need to find something to do.

1. You can never go wrong with studying.

As much as this is probably not what you want to hear, you are in school for one reason, and that is to get an education and become successful. How are you going to make that happen without studying? Chances are, you probably will not be able to make that happen at all.

2. Find something new on Netflix.

There is always something new out on Netflix, and old shows even, never get old! Netflix is a college student’s best friend, after all; right?

3. Get outside or DIY workouts!

Go on a walk, the gym, or my personal favorite: 30-day exercises. They are super simple and take up no more than 10 minutes a day at most.

4. Find events near campus.

If there is a Karaoke Bar near or on campus, go! Go to a fair in town! Local festival? Go for it! Have some fun for a night! Forget about your homework and just have some fun. We all need a break sometimes.

Junior, Mass Communication major with a concentration in Entertainment Management. Campus Corespondent and Campus Trendsetter for HC Brenau.