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Meet Pride Fletcher

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brenau chapter.

If you were at Brenau last semester, then you probably remember being in the Gag on the first day of classes, and hearing two harmonic voices coming down the hall toward your eardrums. Most of us were probably like, “Oh, it’s just the theater kids.” But then to our surprise, there were tow guys that we had never seen before hanging out with them. Of course at Brenau, we assumed these boys were either best friends, had a girlfriend or boyfriend at Brenau, or they were just on campus for no reason. But to our surprise, the two brothers with dreadlocks in high ponytails were theater majors here at Brenau University. I got to sit down and talk with one of the brothers, Pride Fletcher! Keep reading to learn more about why Pride chose Brenau, his singing brother, Dwight, and why he chose to come to Brenau! I had so much fun interviewing him!



Full name: Pride Fletcher

Hometown: Brevard County, Florida

Major: Theater


What made you decide to come to Brenau?


The Gainesville Theatre Alliance. They have great production value for the things they put up, and great energy. If you really want to get into this business, you know, acting, and singing and what not, it’s a great place to get that. In a short amount of time, you can get so much from them.


Why theater?


Music is everything to me. I love music, I love writing music, and the chorus teacher came up to me and said, “You know, you’re a great singer!” My chorus teacher was really close to the theatre teacher, and they were always saying, “You know what, you’re really eccentric, you know? You were born for the stage!” I never joined the drama class, but I was always a part of the thespian club, and I would go on state thespian trips when I was in Florida.

Tell me about you and your brother, Dwight.


There was a time when I was younger when I lived with my grandmother, and my mom had my brother. We would hang out all the time on the weekends. Then there was a time when I was at my grandparents place, and he wasn’t there. It was a little weird being without Dwight.

I was there with my older brother, and my grandparents and then my little brother just lived with my mom. It was fine after a while. But as I got older I was just like, “Man, I would rather chill with Dwight.” Because I couldn’t really chill with my older brother because the age gap was WAY too big. He’s almost like… a decade older than me.

Does Dwight sing, too?

Yes! Dwight does everything I do except I’m more of a musician and a writer more so than he is, and he’s more of a dancer than I am. But he can play music, and I can write and I can dance.

Is it different being a guy at Brenau than it is at any other school you’ve been at?

Most definitely. Because I can tell you about the first time I walked into the Gag, and when I say heads and silence…. I thought we weren’t supposed to be there at first! At the time it was so much to me. What people assumed from us, too was that we were someone’s boyfriend and we weren’t actually students here. I was either some girl’s boyfriend or some guy’s boyfriend.

But no. I’m comfortable, I’m respectful. I’m not trying to jump for anybody when I see them, I’m here for my education.  Granted, people get lonely, and there’s time for things like that, but I have to KNOW you! That was my whole thing. I would like to know anybody before I tell them I’m interested in them.

What’s your favorite thing about Brenau so far?

I’m not even gonna lie, these scholarships right now. People come up to me like, “Can you do this? Can you do that?” I’m always like, “Can you give me a scholarship?” Normally there’s money involved somewhere with anything you do at Brenau.

Are people just throwing money at you?

Listen, that’s the only way I could be here! I have like… scholarship, scholarship, scholarship, scholarship and a job. I’m getting my money. Yet, I STILL need more, you know what I mean? I would love more money. I want to keep my grades up. I think the hardest thing for me right now is keeping my GPA up and balancing all the stuff I have to do. Theatre majors are so busy.

And I at least like to stay about 3 months ahead on my bills, so if I can get more money, the easier that is for me. That way I can focus on school and get my GPA up.

What’s your least favorite thing about Brenau?

The fact that I have no time. Which is why scholarships are my favorite thing.


I had so much fun interviewing one of the boys that everyone stares at when we see him! Good luck to Pride and all of his endeavors!


My name is Kenya Hunter! I am a freshman at Brenau University as a Mass Communications major. My focus is journalism!