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Self-Care During Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Breakfast with friends before a long day of studying

Start your day off on the right foot before a long day of studying by getting a nice breakfast with friends. If you’re feeling adventurous, you could head into Waltham for Joseph’s Two or In a Pickle, but if you want to save time and stay on campus, opt for a hearty breakfast from Sherman or Usdan. After a good meal and time with friends, you’ll be charged and ready for a day of work.

Walks around campus

When you feel you need a study break, opt to go outside rather than watching Netflix or scrolling through Instagram. The weather is getting nicer and nicer each day, and the days longer and longer, so ask a friend to watch your stuff and take a 15 minute walk around campus. The fresh air will be great after days of stale library air.

Talking to friends you’ll see over the summer, and family

Keep yourself calm and excited for summer by talking to friends and family you’ll see over break. Make fun plans for over the summer to remind yourself that finals will end eventually, even if it doesn’t seem like it.

Don’t forget to eat meals

It’s easy to grab a bunch of snacks from the c-store and settle yourself into the library for a day, but don’t forget to take a break and eat real meals as well. Not only with getting up for a real dinner give your brain a break, it’ll keep your body healthy and your mind sharp.

Be nice to yourself

Chances are you may not have time for everything in your usual routine during finals. Don’t forget to be kind to yourself if you skip a few workouts, miss a club meeting, or eat a chocolate bar or four. You’re not superman, and finals can make everybody crazy. Make sure to remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can, and summer vacation will be here soon!

I am a Junior at Brandeis University who is passionate about writing and who loves surfing the web for useful articles and having fun doing what I like.