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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

Here are the Brandeis Senior Superlatives: Class of 2015 Winners!

Most Likely to Be Famous: 

Mo Sidique & Dylan Schlesinger 

Most Likely to Have Once Been a Greek God or Goddess: 

Foti Andromidas

Gabriella Velonias 

Best Smile: 

D’Andre Young 

Emily Belowich 

Best Freshman Hall: 


Most Likely to Be On SNL: 

Bethany Adam

David Getz

Most Likely To Quietly Take Over the World: 

Alex Bardasu

Leah Stein

Most Creative: 

Gustavo Lopes

Nora Anderson

Most Intelligent: 

Annie Cui

Benjamin Fine

Most Likely to Be On a Reality Show: 

Atlanta Posse 1

Sarah Abramoff

Most Likely to Sleep Through an Earthquake:

Seth Brody 

Suzy Schatz

 Most Athletic/Could’ve Gone Pro:

Mo Sidique 

Dara Spital

Biggest Flirt:

Tommy McCarthy

Rosie Levinson

Most Talkative: 

Abel Flint & Sophie Miller 

Best Personality: 

D’Andre Young & Dylan Schlesinger 

Class Evil Scientist: 

Michelle Fry

Marc Mazur

Most Likely to Make Out With a Hot Dog: 

Hunter James 

Steve Twerago 

 Most Changed: 

Ernest Williams 

Alyia Nealy

Class Clown: 

David Getz & Dylan Schlesinger 

Repping the 305. From Miami to Boston. Likes: House music, Tuna Fish, Rom Coms, Sunshine Dislikes: Track, Roller coasters, Snakes
I am a Junior at Brandeis University who is passionate about writing and who loves surfing the web for useful articles and having fun doing what I like.