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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brandeis chapter.

It’s second semester here at Brandeis University!  You know it, I know it.  The symptoms are clear and everywhere! See how many of these SSS (Second Semester Signals) are relevant to you!

1. You fall asleep before finishing assignments and don’t plan to wake up early and finish

2.  You take a break from writing a paper in the library and end up lollygaging in Usdan for two and a half hours

3.  It’s Sunday and you should be doing this…

But you’re doing something like this…

Or even this…

4.  Then comes Monday and you’re a bit tardy for class… something like one hour and twenty minutes behind schedule… as in the fullness of your Econ lecture

5. You wake up around twelve noon in need of food…but Sherman just hasn’t been cutting it lately. It actually never really qualified at all but it’s the end of second term so and by and by…

Domino’s has absolutely wrecked your diet and your wallet (but you promise to start afresh in June and so you’re just gonna’ have five more slices and enjoy, until you start complaining again in an hour). 



6. You overhear people talking about summer jobs and internships…but Spring tiptoed into the present and you blamelessly never applied anywhere. Note the cocktail. 

7.  Oh and this is the deal with your dirty clothes

8. And you haven’t solved the puzzle yet but come Spring and, like a shot, EVERYONE is single

9. Meanwhile this is the state of your Brandeis Gmail inbox. That single draft is a forged doctor’s note for your (3hr long) writing workshop. You forgot to send it! Good thing you didn’t send it because you saw your professor in H-lot right after class.

10. After a long time you decide to attend a class and this is what you get for it. Perhaps its been such a long-lasting patch of playing truant that you forgot just WHERE the class is! 

Nevertheless we LOVE Spring semester here at “the real BU!” (Nicole Vitale ’14) Need some reasons why? Click here

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I am a Junior at Brandeis University who is passionate about writing and who loves surfing the web for useful articles and having fun doing what I like.