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Steps I take to keep my friends and I safe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bradley U chapter.

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, you can call the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline at 800-656-HOPE (4673) or visit hotline.rainn.org

Disclaimer: While these tips may be helpful in minimizing the risks of sexual assault, they do not, by any means, 100 percent eliminate them.

Implementing strategies to keep both myself and my friends safe when we are at any Bradley social gathering is very important to me. There are a few things that we do to help prevent any possibility of sexual assault, and we try to do these every time we go out together to ensure we have a fun time. 

I always stay with the friends I came with.

When I leave for an event, I always leave and come home with the same people. If my friend decides to leave and do something else, that is fine, but it is beneficial to contact that friend before leaving to confirm their plans. They may have changed their mind and communicated those plans to the wrong person. I double-check that I have my group with me before leaving anywhere. Not only am I keeping myself safe after an event, but I am keeping the people around me safe.

I make sure I have a charged phone for 24/7 communication.

Keeping my devices charged is important to me prior to leaving for an event. This way I know that in the worst-case scenario, I have a way to reach out to a friend, a ride or even emergency services. If my phone does die, then I stick with a friend the whole night. This helps me avoid being left alone in any way, without contact. 

Bathroom trips are a two-person job.

No matter how weird people think it is, bathroom trips should be at least a two-person job. Whether I go in the bathroom or stand outside and wait for a friend, I have a buddy because navigating crowds of people by myself can be hard. In addition, the group I came with does not have to worry about me as much because I have someone by my side. 

I set up my rides prior to my night.

Setting up my rides before the evening helps me be less stressed when it comes to figuring out how I am going to get home. It could be a school car service, cab, Uber, a friend or myself. As long as it is established I feel much more comfortable throughout the night. Not having a ride can lead to walking by myself in the dark or getting an unreliable driver. 

I have a list of friends I can call for pick-up in case of an emergency.

I have a few friends that I know I can wake up in case a ride plan did not work out. They may be upset at me for waking them up, but they will be more upset if you did not call them for a ride. This is to ensure your safety throughout the night from start to finish. If I cannot get a friend, I always know I can get an Uber or Lyft at the end of the night. 

I always keep my drink with me.

Leaving my drink somewhere is something that I will never do because someone can easily put something in it without my knowledge. This can seem like an obvious task but can be just as easily forgotten about when you are not paying attention. If my drink is ever left somewhere, I just get a new one. No one will be upset if I decide to get a new drink because I left mine unattended. 

In conclusion, I always try to think ahead in my situations. I ask myself who is attending the event with me, how I am getting home, who can drive in case of an emergency and who will be my buddy in case my phone dies. The more comfortable I feel in my situation, the more fun I have that night.

Becky Rose

Bradley U '23

Hello! My name is Becky Rose and I am a nutrition and dietetics major at Bradley University. I have a passion for sharing with others about how to improve their health and wellness and cannot wait to share more through my writing for other students. Follow me on Instagram @becky32301 to get to know me more!