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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowling Green chapter.

Near the end of 2023, I started to see TikTok’s about Letterboxd. I had never heard of the app before and as someone who loves film, I was immediately intrigued. Here’s why you should get Letterboxd:

Letterboxd is an app where you can share movies you have seen, rate, and review them. Best of all, you can interact with other users.

1. It’s fun!

Some Letterboxd reviews are unhinged, to say the least. While some users write serious reviews critiquing the movie, most others make little humorous quips. On the 2022 movie X starring Mia Goth, a user left a movie review “Texas Buckshot Massacre,” giving the movie 3 and 1/2 stars. Other reviews for movies talk about how hot a character was. Overall, the reviews under each movie give a good chuckle.

2. track your year

If you are ever curious about how many movies you watch a year, Letterboxd is a great option for figuring it out. This is why I originally got Letterboxd. I want to keep track of all the movies I watch in 2024. After you watch a movie, rate, and review it, Letterboxd can keep track for you. I think this is cool because you can see how much time you spent watching movies. It’s also fun to reflect on the year!


On Letterboxd you have the option to create lists and view others. You can put your favorites all in one, or even your least favorites. If you wanted to make a list of aesthetically pleasing movies, you could do that. It’s a fun way to organize films. You can also search and look at other people’s lists. The only list I have currently is my top movies of all time. I plan on creating more! Some people have lists of movies directed by their favorite directors, or potential Oscar noms (before the list was released). There are endless opportunities.

4. friends

Letterboxd can be for yourself, but it’s better with friends. You can follow people and see their activity. What kinds of movies they’ve watched, or want to watch. It shows up on your feed, so you can see what they’ve been up to. It’s great for movie lovers alike!

5. watchlist

Much like the lists, you can add movies specifically to your watchlist. If you ever want to see a movie, but told yourself you would see it later, but then forgot later, now you don’t have to! You can put as many movies as you want in your watchlist (One of my friends has over a thousand in hers) and it will automatically leave once you’ve seen the movie. It’s a great way to keep track of what you want to watch.

Overall I think Letterboxd is a brilliant app and I thoroughly enjoy it. I’m looking forward to seeing my end-of-the-year recap as well as my friends!

My Letterboxd account.

Arden Lewis

Bowling Green '25

Hi! My name is Arden and I am a junior at Bowling Green State University. I am majoring in Public Relations. I love reading and keeping up with tv shows and movies! I also love anything marvel and musical theater!