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Which Fall Drink Matches Your Vibe: The Flying Joe Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowling Green chapter.

Fall is everyone’s favorite time of year, or at least it should be. Corn Mazes, pumpkin patches, apple orchards, what’s not to love?! One thing is certain, out of all the seasons, fall has the best drink selections. 

Here is my quiz to what seasonal drink you should order at your next visit to The Flying Joe!! Keep track of your answers for your drink reveal.

1) What type of drink do you typically order?

  1. Cold brew
  2. Latte
  3. Chai 
  4. Matcha

2) What flavor are you most drawn to?

  1. Pumpkin 
  2. Brown sugar
  3. Apple
  4. Maple and ginger

3) What temp is ideal for your drink?

  1. Iced 
  2. I don’t care, I just NEED coffee
  3. Hot
  4. I don’t know (I’m indecisive)

4) Do you enjoy the taste of coffee?

  1. Love it more than life. Seriously.
  2. Meh, I need milk to dilute the flavor.
  3. Occasionally, but usually no.
  4. BLEH, I prefer tea.

5) Are you a milk drinker? No judgment zone

  1. No, but I love cold foam!
  2. Yes, I confess to avid milk intake
  3. No milk for me, of any kind, ever
  4. Yes, but only in my tea

  6) How would you spend your time at The Flying Joe?

  1. Studying hard
  2. Visiting a friend
  3. Ordering all the pastries just for me
  4. Reading a book

7) What is your favorite fall activity?

  1. Pumpkin patch
  2. Watching halloween movies
  3. Apple orchard
  4. Corn maze

8) What Halloween movie is your favorite?

  1. It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
  2. Halloweentown
  3. Hocus Pocus
  4. Coraline

9) Which iconic monster is your favorite?

  1. Wolfman
  2. Dracula
  3. The Mummy
  4. Frankenstein


If you answered mostly with the number:

1: Pumpkin Cold Brew

You love the taste of strong coffee, but cannot resist fall flavors. You are hard working, but NEED coffee to survive. Iced drinks are your go-to, especially because of cold foam! Caffeine runs through your veins!!

2: Spiced Brown Sugar Latte

You like the taste of coffee, but it definitely needs milk and lots of syrup! You like a bit of spice in your life, but still enjoy being in control. Iced or hot, this drink is customizable to your changing desires!

3: Chai Cider

You usually don’t drink coffee on a regular basis, but still enjoy a bit of caffeine. You love going on walks and enjoying the fall weather. Hot drinks are your specialty, but sometimes iced is a good change of pace.

4: Ginger Maple Matcha

You would rather enjoy tea over coffee. You like earthy flavors, but still enjoy switching up different seasonal options. You like iced drinks, but hot during the colder months. You love your me-time, but love to hang with your loved ones.

Gabi Lemerand

Bowling Green '27

Hey guys!!! I am a freshman here at BGSU and I am so excited to begin writing for HER campus!<3 I currently work at The Flying Joe as a barista! I am majoring and business and hope to own my own shop one day. I love animals (especially dogs) and I also like to make jewelry! That’s all from me!! XOXO💝