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Languishing: What Is It and How Has It Made Adulting Hard?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowie State chapter.

Have any of you ladies for the past couple of weeks felt adulthood to be mundane?

Is your life is on cruise control as you try to balance between school, work, and social life? Because of this, you become uninspired or unmotivated to do anything. Well, I am here to tell you, you are not alone. Especially, as a senior in college. 

At the start of the semester, I was really excited to do many things like my work study and getting involved more on campus because I wanted to end my senior year off with a bang.

However, as the first couple weeks went by, the more I started to feel not happy but not sad either. Which then leads to falling into this never-ending routine of boredom; an uninspired, and unmotivated cycle where, at some point in time, you tend to stop caring.  

Well, I found out that this indescribable feeling that I am talking about is called languishing. Languishing is that feeling of blasé or blah where you feel as if you are stagnant or empty inside. And by feeling empty, you do not have much motivation for anything at all.

As if certain tasks that you know are important and crucial just do not seem as important to you anymore. Even more so you start to detach yourself from your work, your life, your friends, and even yourself. You feel it is more difficult to make connections not only with people, but also with yourself and what your life’s purpose is. 

It is perfectly normal to feel this way and I am here to tell you, you are not a failure for feeling this way. You are not alone. I know adulting can be hard and you feel like all the work, school, and other things are starting to pile up and it may feel like your life is out of control.

Trust me, it is not. It can be hard to get out of this kind of funk. Which is why I suggest if you have been in a state of languish, you should journal and jot down how you feel, go on a nature walk, or even take a drive. Something that you believe will help to inspire and motivate that spark back in you.

I know I am going to certainly try.  

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Gabrielle Brown

Bowie State '23

Gabby is a senior at Bowie State University majoring in time-based media. She hopes to one day become a cinematographer, director, and editor in the film industry. Eventually after she accomplishes her behind the scenes goals, she will make her debut as an actress on the big screen. She also would like to start outreach programs for kids to express their creativity in many different forms of art. As far as hobbies, she likes to sing, hang out with her friends, and create new memories, and take late night car rides with a good playlist.