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How to Be a Good Wingwoman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowdoin chapter.

Do you have a friend that is rather shy? You know, the kind of friend that daydreams about that cute boy she saw at Thorne the other day but is terrified of talking to him? The type of friend that will not hesitate to press the “date” button on Friendsy but completely reject the idea of actually introducing herself to her crush? Nowadays, it is so easy to anonymously hint to someone that you find them very attractive, but that also means it takes a lot more courage to talk to your crush in person!

Sometimes our bashful friends need a little help (read: A LOT of help), so here’s what you can do as a wingwoman:

1. Recruit your other friends for help……If you aren’t acquainted with your friend’s crush. If your friend has her eyes on a cute basketball player, get some help from your friends on the basketball team! Attend a basketball game (or better yet, one of their parties) and find an opportunity for you and your friend to mingle with the team.

2. If you’re friends with her crush, introduce her! …But be casual about it! There’s no need to prepare an eloquent speech to describe your friend to her crush. After all, once you get the two talking, your friend will be able to describe herself! Just force your friends to exchange names and start chatting, and let them get to know each other!

Then, you can point out something the two have in common. Nothing will be a better catalyst for great conversation than mentioning their mutual interest in Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead.

Be ready to make your exit. If your friends seem to be hitting it off well, come up with a brilliant explanation to say adieu. You can make an excuse that you need to meet a friend to work on a problem set, study for an exam, or switch your laundry!

3. If the meet-and-greet wasn’t successfulIf, for one reason or another, your friend and her crush did not immediately fall madly in love, fear not! Ivies is on the horizon! There, you can encourage your friend to ask her crush to dance.

There’s only so much you can do for your friend to give her the confidence to go out there and talk to her crush. As a friend and wingwoman, you can be the voice in the back of her head that whispers, “You can do it!” A wingwoman’s role is to introduce the two parties and make her friend look good, but ultimately, your friend is in charge! However, if the budding romance does work out, you get major brownie points! So get out there and help your friends, you wonderful wingwoman!