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The Class Clown with a Beautiful Voice: Andrew L. Cawley

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bowdoin chapter.

HC: Where are you originally from?AC: “Corinth, Vermont.”

HC: What voice part do you sing?AC: “Technically a tenor 1, but really more of a baritone.”

HC: Dunkin’ Donuts or Starbucks?AC: “I don’t really drink coffee, but I love the chai tea latte from Starbucks.”

HC: If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be?AC: (laughs) “Oh, god, this is so hard! I don’t know hmm…giggly, giggly is definitely one. Spacey…and suave!”

HC: What is your favorite thing about Bowdoin?AC: “I’d say probably just the fact that Bowdoin seems to be a very welcoming campus and I think the institution as a whole does a really great job of integrating first-years in a healthy and safe way that enables students to feel very comfortable transitioning from high school to college.”

HC: What is you greatest hope, dream, or passion?AC: “I want to save the world. I don’t know how. But I want to do it.”

HC: You’ve made your presence widely known on campus through singing in the beloved Meddiebempsters. What has being a part of the group been like for you so far?AC: “It’s pretty funny because I don’t know music at all so it’s a lot of ragging on me, but in a fun way, because I’m such an easy target! So it’s been pretty funny because I never sang before college, but it’s also been awesome because [the Meddies are] some of my favorite people on campus.”

HC: Most people also know you for your goofy sense of humor. Can you tell me a joke right now?AC: “Okay, so this is like a double joke. There are two muffins in the oven, and one muffin says to the other muffin, ‘Oh boy, it sure is hot in here,’ and the other one says, ‘Oh wow, a talking muffin!’ Okay and then the second joke: There are two muffins in the oven, and one of the muffins goes, ‘Boy, it sure is hot in here!’ and the second muffin says, ‘Shut the **** up!'”

HC: Would you consider yourself a campus celebrity?AC: “No no no no! (laughs) Thinking about that just makes me uncomfortable! No, I definitely don’t think so.”

HC: If you could give your high school self once piece of advice, what would it be?AC: “Oh, my high school self….Be as nice as you can and stay nice, something like that. Stay golden, pony boy!”