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How to Stay Healthy During Cold/Flu Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Boise State chapter.

Staying healthy in college can be so difficult because once someone on your floor gets it…everyone on your floor is going to get it. With cold and flu season right on the horizon, it’s important to remember these tips to help you stay healthy!

1. Get a flu shot!

You are not invincible, and immunizations are a proven way to keep you from getting diseases. The flu shot can be as harmless as a simple sniff up your nose, or you can get it in the actual shot version. Either way, getting a flu shot is the first step to protect you all winter long.

2. Wash your hands

You should be washing your hands at least after every bathroom trip and before any meals, but start washing your hands a lot more during cold and flu season. If you accidentally come in contact with someone who is sick, you can easily wash away their germs with some warm water and soap. 

3. Sanitize commonly used things

Items such as doorknobs, bathroom and kitchen faucet handles, kitchen cabinet handles and even your cell phone are a breeding ground for bacteria. Pick up some cheap wet wipes (they cost like a dollar) and make a habit of wiping down those commonly used surfaces as often as possible. This way, even if your roommate is sick, you’ll kill all the bacteria on the things she’s been touching

4. Lastly, if you are sick, STAY HOME!

Missing one or two classes WILL NOT KILL YOU. If you are sick STAY HOME. Do not come to class, don’t go to work, just sleep it off. First of all, your body needs all the rest it can get, so you may as well take that as an opportunity to binge watch some netflix. Second of all, if you come to class or work, you are exposing the rest of us to your sickness. Wouldn’t you feel bad if you got someone sick? I know I would, so take one for the team and stay home for a couple days.