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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Boise State chapter.

HC: Tell us a little bit about yourself

 Jamie: I am a sophomore and I am on the golf team. I am also a biology major right now I’m on track to become a pharmacist but I’m actually considering becoming a geneticist.

HC: Wow! That’s pretty cool! When did you start playing golf? Also what is your favorite thing about the sport?

Jamie: I’ve been playing for about 13 years now. I really like that it’s an individual sport so if something goes wrong I have no one to blame but myself. My teammates are all really supportive as well.

HC: What do you hope to achieve in golf this year?

Jamie: I would love to travel to more tournaments and to keep getting better finishes!

HC: nice! So one more finale random question what is your favorite movie?

Jamie: 10 things I hate about you and Sweet Home Alabama! They are both such sweet movies and I’m a bit of a romantic at heart. 

Small town Washington girl who loves country music, gummy bears, football games, reading Harry Potter and singing loudly in the shower. Major in History and Minor in English at Boise State.