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5 Ways to Stay Organized, Focused, and On Top of Your Sh*t This Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Boise State chapter.

Spring semester is upon us and if you’re anything like me, you’re freaking out a little. We sacrifice a lot for our education and try our very best to excel in our classes. Staying focused on our educational goals and keeping school a priority while also juggling our life and social obligations can get hectic as the semester progresses. Here are ten tips to help you stay on top this semester!

1. Buy (AND USE) a Daily Planner

One of the absolute best ways to get organized is to keep a daily/weekly planner to keep your mind on the money. Writing down everything you need to do is beneficial in determining the what, when, and where of your days. Time budgeting can be hard at first, but making it a priority turns it into a habit. If you can book your weekdays with homework and school obligations, you can spend the weekends chilling out on the couch or hanging with friends.

2. Make To-Do Lists

I am addicted to to-do lists. I am very often so busy that I tend to forget the small things I need to get done, like returning my library book or running the dishwasher before I leave for work. Save yourself that 5 cent library late fee and write down those to-dos’s that cross your mind throughout the day.

3. Make Time for Sleep

Redundant? Yes. Beneficial to your health and scientifically proven to keep your brain and body working? YES. Sleep is one of the first things we sacrifice once our professors start piling on the coursework. Budgeting your day around work schedules and homework assignments ensures that you’ll be done at a reasonable time that will allow you to wind down before heading in for some zzz’s. Lay off the Facebook feed 2-3 hours before bed! That blue light glowing from your phone screen stimulates your brain and can make it more difficult for you to fall asleep.

4. Get Outside

Haven’t you ever heard the expression “get some fresh air”? Sitting in a stuffy building all day can make you feel ‘blah’. Step outside and breathe deeply; clear those lungs of the stagnant air of your office or classroom. Not only is it refreshing and a nice way to take a mental break, but you can soak up some sun while you’re at it. Sunshine is the body’s main and most efficient source of vitamin D. Not only is vitamin D essential in keeping your skeleton strong, it also lowers blood pressure, elevates your mood, and keeps your skin looking lovely.5.

5. Work That Bod’

Not only is exercising great for your body, it’s good for your mood. Working up a hot sweat causes your brain to release endorphins which make you feel better. Putting some time in at the gym or out on the pavement can help take your mind off of work and life worries while also giving you some great health benefits. However, what is the point of exercise if you’re eating like a trash panda? Often when we are busy running around fulfilling obligations and writing papers, we sometimes forget to eat enough or find ourselves making poor food choices. A cup of coffee is not lunch, peeps. Throwing small, healthy munchies into your bag ensures you always have something to eat when on the go. Save your body and your wallet from copious amounts of sugar, fat, and caffeine by tossing in an apple, Cliff Bar, or some beef jerky for a bite on the run.

As busy as you get during the semester, never forget to take care of the one person that matters the most: YOU. When scheduling your days and piling on the to-dos, save some space for me-time. Human beings are a social bunch and having social interaction with friends (and family) helps to keep us feeling connected and loved. Make time to spend time with those you love and enjoy spending time with. Go out to dinner together, kick back on the couch, or go for a hike. All of these are additional ways to keep your sanity during a crazy spring semester!

Sophomore student at Boise State University double majoring in Sociology and Health Science with an emphasis in public health. Hobbies include Crossfit, cars, food, and binge watching British TV shows on Netflix.
Communications Major with an Emphasis in Journalism but really just a small town girl with big city dreams. I desire to travel, create things, and fall hopelessly in love with people I've never met and places I've never seen.