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5 Tips for a Successful LinkedIn Profile

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Boise State chapter.

Use a quality, professional profile picture. People upload profile photos all the time that are not styled correctly for LinkedIn. Not only do people upload inadequately sized photos, resulting in the “half-head” syndrome (A.K.A. do NOT be the person without a forehead in your picture), but people upload blurry photos. Poor quality profile pictures are just lazy; take the time to choose a nice, professional picture for your account. Let me repeat: the drunk bull riding picture of you at Cowgirl’s OR that really hot selfie you took downtown last weekend is probably a no-go.

Be selective about invitations. Just because someone is your party-town, get-down best friend DOES NOT mean you have to accept their invitation on Linked In. Being selective on your acceptance of invitations is important because these people represent you. Be particular and remember, it’s not like Facebook; when it comes to associations, having quality over quantity is the way to go on this professional networking site. 

Include a personal message. Every Invitation you send should include a personal message. Not only does it make people aware that you are a) not a robot and b) not a jerk, it makes your invitation genuine. BE GENUINE. Employers like kind people and you are more likely to develop genuine associations and professional networks. 

Finish your profile. Nothing screams LAZY more than an incomplete profile. I know, I know… it takes a lot of time to complete a profile, but JUST. DO. IT. This will give you a far more professional demeanor and ensure that potential employers have access to all the information they could want to know.  

HAVE A LINKEDIN PROFILE. Bottom line, if you don’t have a Linked In Profile by now, it’s time. Not only do most jobs expect you to have one so they can have easy access to an online resume, it opens a whole new world to professional networking. We promise, it’s totally worth the time invested in creating a good profile!

Communications Major with an Emphasis in Journalism but really just a small town girl with big city dreams. I desire to travel, create things, and fall hopelessly in love with people I've never met and places I've never seen.