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10 Ways to Eat Sensibly at Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

It can be hard to resist the warm apple pie, mashed potatoes and stuffing at Thanksgiving time. You know your Grandmother will be shoving food in your face the moment she sees you and even try to send you back to school with leftovers. Don’t worry! If you follow these simple tips on how to eat right on Thanksgiving, you won’t find yourself breaking the zipper on your favorite high waisted pants when you come back to Bloom.

  1. Don’t starve yourself until Thanksgiving Day. If your mentality is, “I’m not eating until Thanksgiving dinner” you’re making a mistake. Sitting down to a meal when you’re starving just makes you to want to over eat and gorge yourself until you can’t move. Snack on things like fruits and veggies if you can before dinner is ready. Do not load your plate with rolls the minute you lay your eyes on the breadbasket. If you sit down to dinner hungry but not starved, you will be sure to eat less.

  2. Stay away from rolls. Sounds like torture but you don’t need a piece of bread. There is plenty of bread in the stuffing and you will be a lot happier with yourself if you just skip the bread all together. Share a half of a roll if you must, but seriously what it so special about bread when there’s pie you could be making room for?
  3. Portion control. You can always go back for seconds, but the less on your plate at once the better! If you’re putting a pound of mashed potatoes on your plate instead of a small scoop, you’re most likely going to eat the whole pound. Chill with the scoops, ladies!
  4. Try to fill up mostly on turkey. It’s the lowest calorie thing on the table so if you love turkey, eat as much as you want!
  5. If you love pie, take a small sliver. If you want more, take another small sliver. Remember your eyes are always bigger than your stomach. You don’t need a piece of pie as big as your head.

  6. If you love vanilla ice cream, ask your mom or dad to buy frozen yogurt! It has less fat and it’s just as yummy on warm apple pie.

  7. Take a break. If you find that you tend to eat fast try really hard to eat slow. Eat a little and put down your fork. If you eat slowly you will get full faster and eat less. This way you can save room for desert!

  8. Don’t add extra butter to things. The mashed potatoes are most likely already drenched in buttery goodness so you don’t need to add any to them. Butter is never your friend.

  9. If there are veggies on the table, eat them!

  10. Lift your head up from your plate and converse with your family while you eat. You’re food isn’t going anywhere so take the time to enjoy one of the most fun loving family holidays of the year. You’re a college student and your family is so excited to be with you, make sure you take advantage of the dinner table conversation. Just try to avoid talking with a full mouth!

Happy Thanksgiving!