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What TV Show to Binge Watch

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

This isn’t just a tv show, it’s a way of life. 

How I Met Your Mother is a critically acclaimed sitcom that leaves a viewer feeling all possible emotions that range from: being desperate about finding out where the dang pineapple came from, sad to the point of almost breaking down when everyone’s father issues are discussed, happy when the gang takes back their MacLaren’s booth, terrified by the captain and every other possible emotion. Heartbreak isn’t just exclusively felt by Ted Mosby, you yourself will fall in love with Neil Patrick Harris and then realize that he’s actually gay in real life shattering your hopes and dreams. 

The show has captured a decade worth of inside jokes and references that are just plain legen – WAIT FOR IT – dary. 

The intricacies of the show keep viewers on their feet, from seeing an entire couple’s life play out in the background of a single episode to the color symbolism whenever Ted has a close encounter with the mother. The show is much more than a sitcom.

If you enjoyed the show Friends, HIMYM is for you (and it’s better)!

Victoria is a Freshman at Binghamton University majoring in Accounting with a concentration in Marketing. She is from Syracuse, New York and spends her summers in Brooklyn. Her hobbies include: sculpting, religiously reading Buzzfeed, and drinking peach tea lemonade.
Binghamton Contributor