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Ten Fictional Couples That Will Make You Swoon

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Binghamton chapter.

As a hopeless romantic, I often get sucked into fictional worlds depicting unique relationships that always make me cry. Although I’m always on the lookout for more romance, there are a few I consistently come back to when I’m searching for love. Here are my ten favorite fictional couples that always make me squeal.

Anthony Bridgerton and Kate Sharma of Bridgerton

If you are like everyone else this past month, you’ve been obsessed with the newest season of Bridgerton and the newest ton couple. Anthony and Kate are the perfect enemies-to-lovers story, and their relationship’s constant push and pull is swoon-worthy. I can’t wait to see them again next season!

Hazel Grace and Augustus of The Fault in Our Stars

Hazel and Augustus were the first massive heartbreak of my childhood and one of the greatest love stories I’ve ever read. Augustus is easy to fall for, and letting him go was hard.  Although it was tragic, reading about them genuinely made me believe in young love. 

Chandler Bing and Monica Geller of Friends

Many people claim that they got their high standards for relationships from Disney movies. For me, it was Friends, specifically Chandler and Monica. They are a classic friends-to-lovers tale that we saw growth over the course of many seasons, and it was extraordinary.

Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass of Gossip Girl

While Blair and Chuck’s relationship may not be the most traditional pairing, these two conniving spirits were meant for each other. While all the other relationships in Gossip Girl are debatable, everyone knows that these two are solid, no matter what they do to each other.

Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane of The Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunters

Reading about this couple in The Mortal Instruments series when I was younger and being lucky enough to see them again in the Shadowhunters television show has been an adventure. They are adorable and are a loving LGBTQ+ couple that provides excellent representation. I’m so happy that they have grown together and started a family.

Kaz Brekker and Inej Ghafa of Six of Crows

So, technically Kaz and Inej are not together. But their love is so strong that they don’t have to be to make this list. They have one of the most beautiful but sad love stories I have read to date. They both have boatloads of trauma to overcome before they come together, but it will be fantastic to see them finally holding hands.

Garrett Graham and Hannah Wells of The Deal

I first read The Deal years ago, but I always go back to experience their relationship again. I love watching Garrett go from the playboy hockey captain needing a tutor to Hannah’s loving and obsessed boyfriend who would do anything for her.

Katara and Zuko of Avatar: The Last Airbender

Once again, these two are not a couple and aren’t even really in love. For years, fans have talked about how perfect the two would be together. Not only are their personalities perfect for each other, but their powers are evenly matched. I will always love them.

Kat Stratford and Patrick Verona of 10 Things I Hate About You

Kat and Patrick are one of the best early 2000’s rom-com couples ever. Their dates were adorable, and they had so much fun together, all to the tune of great 90s hits. While their story is not new, I love watching this film and their relationship.

Batman and Catwoman of The Batman

This couple is old, and I have always loved their dynamic, but I have a newfound love for them after watching Robert Pattinson and Zoë Kravitz in the new Batman movie. Catwoman, aka Selina Kyle, is wild and chaotic, precisely what Batman, or Bruce Wayne, needs. 

Overall, fictional couples will always be special to me. When love in the real world looks a little harsh, a tv show, book or movie romance will always help lift my spirits. 

Nicolette is a Junior at Binghamton University, with a major in Psychology and a minor in Global Studies. Other than serving as Editor In Chief for Her Campus at Binghamton, she is an opinions writer for Pipe Dream student newspaper, Vice President of Philanthropy and Community Service for the Panhellenic Council, and is very active in her sorority. After graduation, Nicolette hopes to pursue a master's degree in Journalism.